Nov.30, 2008

a simple message that you can still excel even if assh**es surround you.
This was taken at a very unlikely location--right in the center of Garapan's commercial district.
And on that uplifting note, here then is the Variety’s 14th annual Thanksgiving list. The items, by the way, are not necessarily arranged in order of importance.
Praise the Lord and have a shot of Tanduay!
1) The local economy, or what’s left of it
2) Paydays
3) Jobs
4) The CNMI will have a new governor in 2010
5) Taotao Tano & Irene Tantiado
6) Diet Pepsi, Coke Zero
7) Mar-Vic, this list’s inventor, says, “I finally found the One and married him. And my name is Mar-Vic C. Palmertree.”
8) She also wants to thank South Park, Family Guy, Google and “my simple desires that make it easy for me to smile and be happy.”
9) Gemma says thank you to Radio Australia, Jojo Dass, Jet, Bey, Myla, Weng, Dave, Hera, Venus, Charlotte, Cherrie, Shabs, Ate Jackie, Tita Lits, Arlene, Anna, Raquel, Tess, Achie, JV, Libay, Sally, Rose, Betty, Sisi, Chummy, Ate Susan, Shintaro, Naoki, Naoko, Hideki, Nojima, Kamimura-san, Fukutomi-san, etc., Mr. Suzuki, other friends and family.
9) She is also thankful to sources for keeping the news flowing despite the odds, Mike & Eleanor Nisperos, Kyodo News, Rep. Stanley Torres & staff, Ernie & Monie, the wires, Flor & Aven and the Marianas Variety & staff
10) Miggy’s, Viralicci, Aliviera
11) Flame Tree Terrace
12) Fat Joy Slim — the music and the friendship
13) Zaldy wants to thank Pareng Onald for the memories, Uly for his tireless devotion to Onald, Hydee and Rose Ann, and the members of the community who joined the week-long rosaries and memorial services
14) Primo’s
15) J’s Restaurant
16), Alibris, Bestseller, Joeten-Kiyu Public Library
17) Godfather’s the bar and parts 1 & 2 of the movie
18) Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis’ Memorias Póstumas de Brás Cubas, Don Casmurro, Quincas Borba
19) Zaldy thanks Mar-Vic and Jason for visiting us
20) Jojo wants to thank Burj Dubai BASE Jumpers
21) Chris says “thank you to my Mom & Dad, Gene & Cora San Gabriel Mr. Abed Younis & Family, Mr. Laurence Boyer & Ms. Laila Boyer, Kuya Zaldy, all my friends specially Maria Eleonor Espinas & Nhorleen Bitco.”
22) Eli says “I’d like to say thanks to my bosses, Mr. Younis, for giving me the opportunity to work here, Ms. Laila, for all the awesome projects. My best buddies Nhorleen and Chris for all the happy moments, the craziness and the dramas. My sisters and brothers at heart, Loidski, Sheryl, Lala, Osang, Sally, Haidee, Ate Chit, Irene, Moneth, Ariel, Kuya Makoy, Greg, Mikol & Dindi, many thanks to you guys. Tita Litz for all the kindness and the ooh so yummy carbonara. Ate Noims and Ate Janet for the crazy Thursdays we’ve shared, Ate Lyn, Kuya Boy, Ka Ed and to the rest of Marianas Variety staff that I’ve worked with, thanks! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!”
23) Moneth says thank you for nothing
24) Jim & Grace Belyea
25) Brenda & Fred
26) Bruce & Maya
27) Jeff, Cynthia and their kids
28) tsetse ija
29) Brad R., Bruce B., Mike E., Angelo V., Brad D.
30) Makoy, Sally, Timbo, Betong, Rick, Julio, Bino, Bel, Prolayn, Ka Ed, Goro, Chris, Mike, Mark, Ernie, Ka Max, Ka Nards, Tekya, Talits, Lenlen
31) Nhorleen says “I would like to thank God for another Thanksgiving, for a year full of blessings and surprises, for a wonderful family, for the greatest friends a person could ever ask and for the rest of the people that continue to rock my world.”
32) Jacq & Joy
33) Aggie, Tomoko, Haids, Marconi & Adam
34) Badjoe, James & Helen, Ella & Sonny, Paul, Tom & Fe, Haidee & Kaycee
35) June says “Thank you to my housemates, Mommy Rio & Daddy Sandie, NMBF association (Macoi, Hapi, Malou M. Shirley, Marylyn, Banker [Malou Malasarte], A. Omori, to my teammates, Roger, Ingrid, Elma, Mar, Riza and Vic), thank you to KWAW and MBI (for Purex and Waioka sardines), thank you to all the editorial staff. Thank you to Rose, Mabel and Leo, to Uro, Uly, Atchie, Chammy, and to all my friends.”
36) Loids says “Thanks to Pipit for coming to our lives and for the blessings and joy that came with him. Thank you to my loving and supportive husband Ariel and to all our friends who are tirelessly helping us in taking care of Pipit. Thank you ever so much to Ninang Lits, Osang, Sally, Moneth, Nhorleen, Ely, Cris, Dindi, Ate Lyn, to my best friend Sheryl and to all the people inside and outside of the barracks. Thanks also to my friends and officemates for giving me bridal and baby showers; thank you for making my life colorful. Thanks also to Mr. Younis and Ms Laila and to all my co-workers.”
37) Miguel Dandan, his wonderful grandparents and ate Lisa
38) Whispering Palms School
39) Gold’s Gym and its management, staff and patrons
40) Hollywood Theaters
41) In Plain Sight, Burn Notice, Monk, Psych, The Simpsons, King of the Hill, South Park, Reno 911, Boston Legal, Two and a Half Men, How I Met Your Mother, History Detectives, Chuck, Life, American Idol, The Office, 30 Rock, Worst Week
42) John McCain and Sarah Palin
43) Fox News Channel
44) Hollywood Video
45) Floyd the Maestro and the Big Beats Band
46) Zaldy says Friendster sucks and thank you Facebook and his ever growing number of fellow Facebookians
47) Bon voyage to Raymond, Dindo and Eli — thank you and come again
48) Tina Sablan & Glen Hunter
49) Zhen, Galvin & Velma
50) Gene’s Barbershop
51) Raquel says thank you to “my nocturnal buddies who populate my Yahoo Messenger every night until the early morning hours (you all know who you are…); my family for the long-distance inspiration and for the encouragements to move on; people and objects who kept me going when the going gets tough — my five alarm clocks, cellphone, TV, Internet connection, YM, Facebook, superb sunsets, unpredictable rain showers and sudden weather changes, daily newsroom pressures and trials, and to everyone and everything else that spells the meaning of LIFE; and finally to Roberto Ramirez Herrera for all the memories. You’ll always be in my heart forever.”
52) Arnold thanks “my wife, Jennet and children, John, Ken, Bulet and Yuri for inspiring me to keep going, thanks to my mom for everything, thanks to my Aunts, Cita and Rose my sis, Arlynn for the ‘rescue’ recently, thanks to all the accommodating news sources, thanks to my friends Aries, Anton, Stephen, and the other Malate boys, thanks to Jacob for inviting me to his family’s Thanksgiving party today, thanks to Janet for lending me the camera, thanks to Zaldy for giving me the chance to thank everybody today, thanks to Moneth for valuing our friendship, thanks to Raymond for forwarding sports PRs, thanks to Talits for not being so angry when I failed to pay my phone card on time, thanks to Talits again for the delicious soup, thanks to Mang Nards for being so cool nowadays, thanks to Financial Lending and thanks to Nelson for providing discounts with his vegetables.”
53) Junhan says, “My gratitude and appreciation to all who give when there’s nothing more to give.”
54) Nick Pichay, Beret & John, Jeff Schorr, Pamela Mathis
55) Zaldy wants to thank the Variety’s kick-ass publishers, management, editorial staff as well as the company’s other hard-working personnel.
56) Guam Variety, Palau Horizon and their superb management and staff
57) siomai
58) Zaldy wants to thank his car which he considers symbolic of the CNMI’s spirit — battered, beaten up but bery much alive and kicking.
59) Apples, grapes, oranges
60) KSPN
61) The KAT
62) Heart’s Barracuda, Led Zep’s Ramble On, UB40’s Bring Me Your Cup
63) Friends of the Arts
64) Limewire
65) YouTube
66) Burt Bacharach
67) watermelon and pumpkin seeds
68) The U.S., Guam, Palau and the CNMI held clean, peaceful and orderly elections
69) representative democracy
70) free enterprise
71) detergents
72) Ivory soap
73) electricity
74) shampoo
75) running water
76) drinking water
77) Emperador Brandy
78) Tanduay Rum
79) The CNMI’s hardworking public servants
80) Rex Navarrete
81) Robert Lowell’s Day by Day
82) NMI Humanities Council
83) NMC
84) chess
85) Google
86) AP, Reuters, AFP
87) The Wall Street Journal
88) The Comedy Channel
89) Turner Movie Classics
90) old KMCV news
91) The new kick-ass James Bond
92) sleep
93) waking up
94) sunrise
95) sunset
96) e-mail
97) green tea
98) Nike shoes
99) This year is almost over
100) The Variety’s readers and advertisers
Palms Resort Saipan advertising sales representative Minako Kayagaki and executive chef Satoshi Akimoto
To continually satisfy its diversified stream of clients, Palms Resort Saipan re-opened its Japanese lunch buffet starting Monday to give Japanese food lovers a chance to satisfy their eternal cravings.
With the ever-present sushi, sashimi and tempura as its mainstays in the daily menu, Palms Resort sales representative Minako Kayagaki said that they offer a variety of dishes during lunch hours Mondays to Saturdays.
“Japanese buffet is available from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., and it’s an eat-all-you-can feast for just anybody who wants to fulfill their craving for Japanese specialties,” Kayagaki said.
Who wouldn’t want to gorge himself with food that come fresh or cooked right before you as you wait. The anticipation is half the fun!
The restaurant provides various atmospheres to suit your tastes. Whether you want a dimly lit portion as a respite from the heat of the noonday sun, a table with a superb view of the swimming pool and the ocean while dining, or a romantic nook right on the mezzanine floor, you have it.
Kayagaki said the place can accommodate over 140 guests. On the re-opening day, a merry mix of locals and tourists couldn’t just have their stomachs full of the delicious bounty—from its tempting line of appetizers, soups, main dishes, vegetables, deserts, and fruits.
Indeed, spending $18 for adults or $13 for kids for a buffet lunch as scrumptious as Palms executive chef Satoshi Akimoto prepares wouldn’t spare you room for a moment’s regret. A special discount applies for locals.
“What makes this wine so special is that it is not aged, and it stays for a very limited time only,” says Hyatt’s restaurant manager Philip Padernal.Le Beaujolais Nouveau (pronounced bow-joe-lay noo-vo) easily appeals to everyone. It slides down your throat with a fresh, pleasant and fruity taste because the wine did not undergo storage to age.
Imagine the rush of adrenaline as each individual and machine involved in the total process poll their efforts to have everything done from harvesting, processing, bottling and finally delivering the wines throughout the world at past midnight on the third Thursday each November. Hyatt Regency Saipan’s executive chef Gabriele Colombo said that Le Beaujolais Nouveau is meant to be drunk immediately.
“It’s a kind of wine which has to be gulped rather than sipped and most of this vintage will begin to decline after Christmas,” he said. With Thanksgiving a few days away, Colombo said Beaujolais Nouveau comes in handy as an excellent pair for roasted or grilled meats, pastas, salads and cheeses, and particularly Turkey.
Hyatt Regency Saipan general manager Nick K. Nikishawa said that Hyatt has always joined the tradition of launching the year’s edition.
“It’s exciting to be a part of something that the whole world is doing at the same time, and we are glad to give the people of Saipan the chance to join and appreciate fine wines,” Nikishawa said.
To go with the newly launched Le Beaujolais Nouveau 2008, Hyatt Regency Saipan served mouth-watering delicacies and appetizers that left guests craving for more.Since Nov. 20, Le Beaujolais Nouveau, distributed by Pacific Wines and Spirits was already available at the Hyatt Regency Saipan and selected restaurants and bars on Saipan, but don’t wait too long. The bottles won’t wait for you!
For more information, contact PWSI market coordinator Orleyne Tabucanon at (671) 888-8476 or email
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This article was originally published HERE
FOR a casual passerby, they look like small, ordinary stones piled atop each other but for the discerning eye of an adventurer they could mean a lot of things, depending on the angle where you look at them from, or how the sun casts its shadow on the stones.
This article was originally published HERE
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IF there is one place that offers you a perfect view of the whole island from a 360 degree angle, it is Mount Tapochao, the highest point of Saipan.
A view of Garapan seen from Mt. Tapochao.
IF you are in the dark about Tinian’s history, the two cemented structures protruding from the ground which looked like crypts would mean nothing, but these are no ordinary structures.
JUST a stone’s throw away from the Tinian Dynasty Hotel & Casino is a famous beach which never fails to lure locals and tourists alike even under the sweltering heat of the sun.