HER love for bags started with a handbag she received from her parents for her 16th birthday. Since then, Eleanor T. Cabrera, president of Handbags etc. has continued a life-long affair with handbags.
Some women buy a handbag because they need it. Others shop around to complete an outfit, while others buy handbags to suit a mood. Others just want to express their individual style. Whatever reasons you have for buying a handbag, you can find it at Handbags etc.
Stepping into Handbags etc. transports a woman into a warm and friendly handbag lover’s dream world that provides an ambiance designed to melt your defenses against the temptation of falling in love at first sight, whether you are a “bag person” or not.
You can feast your eyes on the limited quantities of handbags of selected designs and colors but whatever your preferences, style, and budget, you will be sure to find your personality among the tastefully designed shelves at Handbags etc.
Personalized styles
Handbags, etc. carries bags that suit the unique and personal styles, preferences and needs of each individual.
Check out the store’s displays of eco-friendly bags where fashion meets environmental consciousness. Stop by and see the store’s collection of eco-bamboo, vegan leather, and other earth-friendly bags — each promoting the basics of Reducing, Reusing and Recycling.
Essential bags
Almost all women never leave home without a bag. It could be a travel and cosmetic bags diaper bag, wristlets and clutches, shell bags and more to put their essentials in such as ID and cash/credit cards, choice cosmetics, cellular phone, paperwork, or all of the above. Handbags etc., just has the right bag for whatever needs you have.
Are you looking for that perfect handbag to complete your outfit for any occasion? Handbags etc. is the place to find that fashionable, trendy yet affordable design available at the store in limited qualities.
Women who go for practicality in their choice of bags will find a wide selection of attractive yet affordable bags to choose from at Handbags etc.
You can be practical yet stylish at the same time.
Gently used program
Handbags etc. allocates a special section for gently used or pre-owned bags that other customers would find valuable.
Cabrera encourages women who have handbags in excellent condition that have been sitting idle at their homes can sell them to Handbags etc. in exchange for store credits.
Cabrera said handbags on the gently used shelves don’t stay too long at the store. They are always among the most saleable items.
This year, Handbags etc. will launch an improved website that will provide an online connection to supply handbag lovers across the Marianas and beyond.
Leave your inhibitions at the door, browse through the shelves of attractive hand bags for a totally different shopping experience and chances are you will find that bag you have been looking for.
Handbags etc. also carries fashion jewelry, wallets, manicure sets and other bag essentials and accessories such as bag wraps and hooks.
The store has a comfortable ottoman and a flatscreen TV to entertain spouses as their wives shop for bags.
Cabrera said the store caters mostly to women but by next month, they are planning to ship in men’s wallets for a start that women will find as perfect gifts for their partners.
Watch out for discounts and promo prices on hand bags and other items for the Valentine’s Specials.
Handbags, etc. is open from 12 noon to 7 p.m. Tuesday to Friday, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday. They are closed on Sunday and Monday.
However, Handbags etc. will have special Valentine’s store hours on Sunday, Feb. 13, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and on Monday the 14th, Valentine’s Day, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. All major credit cards are accepted. For inquiries or more information, visit www.handbagsetc670.com, join the Facebook page or call 235-4277. (published HERE)